Share options
Shares are provided as part of your compensation package as a full time employee. Your shares and there value will be available in Carta and your offer will be shared on Pulley.
Equity refreshes
Equity refreshes represent a portion of company ownership or stock that is provided to employees as a reward and incentive.
We provide equity refreshes based on the committed, time, effort and expertise to our company. Our equity refreshes are not just random handouts; they're a reflection of your impact at Vital, your loyalty and continuity within the company. They are typically based on this:
Time-Based Allocation: The longer you are with us, the higher your equity refresh. Your refresh is based on the calculated time you spend with the company, and the loyalty you show to weather the ups and downs of working at Vital.
Periodic Evaluation: As part of our 6 month review process we will look at your total compensation and ensure your equity reflects your impact at the company.
Last updated